Monday, August 30, 2010

Tree Frogs

   Facts about frogs
  • When frogs hibernate their bones sort of grow a layer, like a tree does. When you look inside a frog’s bone you will be able to see rings and tell how old the frog is by counting the rings
  • One way to tell a male frog from a female frog is by looking at its ears. The ears can be found right behind the frog's eyes. If the ears are as big as the eyes, then the frog is a boy. If the ears are smaller then the frog's eyes, then the frog is a girl.
  • Frogs don't actually drink water with their mouths; they drink it through their skin. A frog's skin absorbs water when it is in the water so its body gets all of the hydration that it needs that way and the frog doesn't need to drink with its mouth.

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