Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fly Agaric

We saw this fungi in Colorado

FAMILY : Agaricaceae  LATIN NAME : Amanita muscaria
COMMON / FOLK NAMES : Fairy stool, Fly-Agaric, Soma,
PLACES OF ORIGIN : Ireland, Europe, Asia and North America. HABITAT : Under Silver Birch tree of a mature nature is the favorite place for this fungi to grow, also under Scotch Pine, Beech and Larch forest.
DESCRIPTION : First appears as a small white lump coming of the root. Grows into a small white ball as it pushes away from the root. As the stem appears the white veil that covers the fungi starts to tear and separate into the white spots showing the red cap underneath. The cap open up and spreads outwards. This fungi has a symbiotic relationship with the silver birch as it merges with the roots of the tree and help it to  absorb minerals in exchange for sugars from the tree. 


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