Tuesday, August 31, 2010

~*Luna Moth*~

 Actias luna, commonly known as the Luna Moth, is a lime-green, Nearctic Saturniid moth in the subfamily  Saturniinae. It has a wingspan of up to four and a half inches, which ranks it as one of the largest moths in North America.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Tree Frogs

   Facts about frogs
  • When frogs hibernate their bones sort of grow a layer, like a tree does. When you look inside a frog’s bone you will be able to see rings and tell how old the frog is by counting the rings
  • One way to tell a male frog from a female frog is by looking at its ears. The ears can be found right behind the frog's eyes. If the ears are as big as the eyes, then the frog is a boy. If the ears are smaller then the frog's eyes, then the frog is a girl.
  • Frogs don't actually drink water with their mouths; they drink it through their skin. A frog's skin absorbs water when it is in the water so its body gets all of the hydration that it needs that way and the frog doesn't need to drink with its mouth.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fruit from the flowering Crabapple tree

Latin Name: Malus 'Sentinel'
Height: 20'
Spread: 12'
Flower: Red Buds, White Flowers with Pink Tint
Fruit: 1/2" Bright Red, Persistent

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Green Beans

Buds to Beans
The common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, is an herbaceous annual plant domesticated independently in ancient Mesoamerica and the Andes, and now grown worldwide for its edible bean, popular both dry and as a green bean. The leaf is occasionally used as a leaf vegetable, and the straw is used for fodder. Botanically, the common bean is classified as a dicotyledon.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fly Agaric

We saw this fungi in Colorado

FAMILY : Agaricaceae  LATIN NAME : Amanita muscaria
COMMON / FOLK NAMES : Fairy stool, Fly-Agaric, Soma,
PLACES OF ORIGIN : Ireland, Europe, Asia and North America. HABITAT : Under Silver Birch tree of a mature nature is the favorite place for this fungi to grow, also under Scotch Pine, Beech and Larch forest.
DESCRIPTION : First appears as a small white lump coming of the root. Grows into a small white ball as it pushes away from the root. As the stem appears the white veil that covers the fungi starts to tear and separate into the white spots showing the red cap underneath. The cap open up and spreads outwards. This fungi has a symbiotic relationship with the silver birch as it merges with the roots of the tree and help it to  absorb minerals in exchange for sugars from the tree. 


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


  of a genus (Canna of the family Cannaceae) of tropical herbs with simple stems, large leaves, and a terminal raceme of irregular flowers.