Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We found these phlox's along side the road.
Phlox: from the Greek phlox, "flame," ancient name of Lychnis of the Caryophyllaceae
glaberrima: most glabrous, Latin for "smooth" referring to lack of hairs on leaves and stems

Status: Endangered
Plant: erect, perennial, 2'-4' tall forb, usually hairless; stems slender
Flower: red-purple, 5-parted, 1/2"-3/4" wide, funnel-shaped, lobes not notched, tube narrow; inflorescence usually several branched clusters (cymes) terminal and from the upper 1-4 pairs of leaf axils; blooms June-Aug.
Leaf:many, mostly opposite, not divided, not veiny, linear to lance-like gradually tapering to a sharp point
Habitat: wet; woods, prairies


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